Our Charism
The form of life of the Order of the Poor Sisters that Blessed Francis established is this: to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without anything of one's own, and in chastity.
Following in the footsteps of Christ, who became poor for our sake, we strive to serve the Lord in poverty and humility, free from the desire for worldly goods, fully trusting in God´s Providence.
Community life
Each sister is a gift from God and a treasure for our community!
Fraternity is the heart of the charism of the Poor Clares. God granted St. Francis and St. Clare brothers and sisters, and this was form them a clear sign that God called them to live evangelical perfection.
We have been called together by the Lord to live this holy unity through charity, in poverty, humility and sharing everything in common, in a spirit of Franciscan Sisterhood, and joyfully and freely we place our talents at service of the fraternity to enrich ourselves, from one another, giving God the greater glory.
Prayer life
We spend our time in prayer, in union with God through the Liturgy of Hours and contemplation, with the Eucharistic Liturgy as the center of our day. We meditated the Sacred Scriptures every day and shared the Word of God in community.
United to the voice of Christ, spouse of the Church, who intercedes with the Father for all people, we pray for the needs of Holy Church, especially for the local church, and for the whole world.
Life in Cloister
“The enclosure is a sign of our consecration to God. It protects and promotes our life of contemplation.”
After the example of Christ who first lived a hidden life at Nazareth and who later retreated to the desert and frequently looked for solitary places to pray, we have freely accepted this separation from the world, "to lead an enclosed life physically so that we can dedicate ourselves to the Lord with a free spirit".
Mission in the Church
Through prayer and contemplation life, we become the voice of the Church, united with her we adore and praise to our loving Lord, we give thanks and intercedes for all mankind.
We have been called to be"co-workers of God Himself and a support of the weak members of His ineffable Body" (St. Clare of Assisi).

O come, bless the Lord,
all of you who serve the Lord,
who stand in the house of the Lord,
in the courts of the house of our God.
Lift up your hands to the holy place
and bless the Lord.
(Psalm 134: 1-2)

Before the Blessed Sacrament, we come together in prayer for the intention of who entrust their needs to us.

Jesus became intimate with the Father by long hours in silent prayer. Francis and Clare, desiring the same intimacy with the Father, imitated Christ by living a life of contemplation.
In this same way, we Capuchin Poor Clares let our hearts touch the heart of God.

Praised be you, my Lord,
through our Sister, Mother Earth,
who sustains us and directs us
bringing forth all kinds of fruits
and colored flowers and herbs.