Is God calling you?

Don’t wait to be perfect to answer vocational call…
“If (God) lets us realize that he is calling us to consecrate ourselves totally to his kingdom, then we should have no fear! It is beautiful - and a great grace, to be completely and forever consecrated to God and the service of our brothers and sisters.”
-Pope Francis
Signs of God´s call!
In the midst of the joy and all the beautiful things that life offers you, you feel the empty.
You not found the way to quench the thirst of your soul.
You desire to grow in the life of faith and in the love and communion with God.
You love to spend time praying in community and at the same time you enjoy the silence prayer and contemplation.

"You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained
you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and [that]
your fruit should remain" (Jn. 15:16).
Listen to your heart; "Maybe God is calling you".
Have you thought that Religious life may be an option for you?
Do you want to consecrate your life totally to God and at the same time be fruitful given life to many souls through your prayer life and penitence?
Is your love for Christ deeper and do you want to live the Gospel radically?
You are invited to come and see
​How the Capuchin Poor Clares
respond the call of God living
the Gospel in Franciscan Spirituality.
​If you are a single or unmarried Catholic woman between the ages of 18 to 45
If want to know more about religious life.
And learn more about our way of life, spirituality and charism.
Or discerning your vocation to contemplative life?
Contact us
We will gladly listen to you and answer your questions.
- From St. Clare's Second Letter to Agnes of Prague
You always remember your resolution and be conscious of
how you began.
What you hold,
may you always hold.
What you do,
may you always do
and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step, and unswerving feet, so
that even your steps stir up no dust, go forward securely,
joyfully and swiftly, on the path of prudent happiness,
believing nothing, agreeing with nothing which would
dissuade you from this resolution or which would place
a stumbling block for you on the way, so that you may
offer your vows to the Most High in the pursuit of that perfection to which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.